Monday, June 13, 2011


In class essay
ENG 102
Summer I 2011

You can bring THE TEXTBOOK to class with you in fact it will hurt your grade if you do not because you are required to quote the text directly in order to receive a passing grade! SO DO NOT FORGET THE BOOK! A paper that does not quote the TEXTBOOK directly will fail! Okay? Okay. You cannot write an essay just about a film. YOU MUST COMPARE IT TO A STORY WE READ!

You cannot bring in “notes” or cheat sheets or a draft of an essay and you cannot have your phones on your desk.

Pick one of the following essay topics:

1)      Using examples from the text, compare and contrast the cave dweller that finds his way out of the cave from “The Allegory of the Cave” and Truman from The Truman Show. How is the cave similar to the set of the television show? What “truth” does each character discover over the course of their stories? How do the other characters in the stories react to each of their realizations?
2)      Using examples from the text, explain how “The Allegory of the Cave” and The Truman Show metaphors for the limitations of false constructs about the world that all of us must face in our lives.
3)      Using examples from the text, choose a character from “Cathedral”, “Reunion” and The Royal Tenenbaums and discuss how they are similar or different. Discuss what characteristics they possess or decisions they make that make them alike or different.
4)      Using examples from the text, choose a character from “Cathedral” and The Royal Tenenbaums and explain how they go through a change in character.
Does my paper have:
o   An introduction that states my thesis, the author or authors of the text I am writing about and the title of those texts
o   Body paragraphs that use outside sources and examples from the text to support my thesis
o   A conclusion that restates my thesis and does NOT include quotes from the text or any new information